The 1931 Irish Shilling is the second year Irish Shillings were made for the Irish State. In 1928 WB yeats chaired the first Irish coin committee and choose the image of the bull for the shilling coin. The 1931 coin is made from .75 silver, and the coins have the letters ‘Saor Stat’ meaning Free State. As this was the second year, Irish shilling coins were made makes them very rare.
Click the description box for more information and events from 1931!
Kerry won the All Ireland Senior Football Championship
Cork won the All Ireland Senior Hurling Championship
Sean O’Riada
William Shatner (Actor)
James Dean (Actor)
Larry Hagman (Actor)
Dominic Chianese
Desmond Tutu (Politician)
Fay Weldon (Author)
Angie Dickinson (Actress)
Stop Action Photography
Empire State Building is completed, and becomes the tallest building in the world , it is a 102-story contemporary Art Deco style building in New York City
Hawke’s Bay earthquake of 1931, also known as the Napier earthquake destroys much of Napier in New Zealand and measures 7.8 on the Richter scale.
Yellow River flood (Huang He flood) is generally thought to be the deadliest natural disaster of historic times, and almost certainly of the twentieth century and kills between 900,000-2,000,000 people in China
Japan invades Manchuria in China
King Alfonso XIII of Spain is forced to live in Exile in Rome following Spain becoming a Republic
Population Great Britain 46 million
As the great depression spreads world wide thousands of British ships are rusting in harbors because there are no goods to export
Australia Gains Independence From Great Britain
US Unemployment reaches 8 million
The State of Nevada Senate voted to legalize all forms of gambling
Chicago runs out of money and can not pay it’s teachers for 2 months
George Washington Bridge opens on March 19th connecting New York and New Jersey
Ford ends production of the Ford Model A and prepares for the new Ford V8
First Children’s Serial in the US Little Orphan Annie is transmitted on Radio
The Emipire State Building opens as the world’s tallest structure
Hoover appoints a Committee for Unemployment Relief
“The Star-Spangled Banner” is adopted as the United States National anthem
Nevada legalizes gambling
James Earl Jones, James Dean, Mikhail Gorbachev, William Shatner, and Mickey Mantle are born