18 Dec Eco Friendly Gifts – Upcycled Coin Cufflinks
Hi guys, we hope you are enjoying the holiday season and once again thank you for stopping by our website and supporting our small business!
Whether you’re in need of a Christmas gift, birthday gift, anniversary gift – we have it all, and better yet they’re eco friendly!
If you have a friend or loved one who is all about the environment or if you are trying your best to be environmentally conscious our cufflinks and pendants are perfect!
There is definitely a need for rethinking consumerism due to the impact of climate change and occasions such as mother’s day, father’s day, Christmas are all identified with an enormous amount of consumption, therefore why not do your bit for the environment and buy one of our products, all of our cufflinks and pendants are upcycled. We use old coins, we clean and polish them, transforming them into their former glory.
We upcycle what we have and use it to make a sustainable product with an emotional attachment reflecting an occasion such as a birthday or an anniversary.
The team here at World Coin Cufflinks firmly believes that when considering gifts for you loved ones, it’s the thought that counts.
That’s why you simply cannot go wrong with our products, they’re meaningful, sentimental, and nostalgic all the while being eco friendly..
Make sure you get your orders in soon for Christmas, and this holiday season instead of a White Christmas let’s try and make it a Green Christmas!